Today I was invited to an exhibition of artwork by kids aged between 11 - 18 year olds. Dame Vivienne Westwood was the guest speaker and she talked briefly about learning to draw being fundamental to pursuing a career as an artist. Have a look at clip below. (please excuse my terrible filming, my arm was getting tired holding up my phone.)
Dame Vivienne Westwood at The Prince's Drawing School exhibition in Old Street.
The aim of The Prince's Drawing School is to raise the standard and profile of drawing through teaching and practice. It is one of only a few institutions offering in-depth, quality tuition for those who wish to develop their observational drawing skills
The Prince's Drawing School is part f the Prince's Charities, a group of not-for-profit organisations of which the Prince of Wales is President.
I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of works produced by the children. I managed to take a few pictures on my phone.
I love that these children's love of drawing is being nurtured.